Rules Chatbox Hover

Rules cbox & note
- Jangan anonim, ya! Pakai namamu sendiri. Oke?
- Pakai kata yang sopan ^^
- Kalau bisa, pakai URL blog kamu. Kalau tidak ada, pakai email boleh ^^
- Jangan rusuh ya, ini chatbox untuk saling mengenal. Bukan mencari masalah ^^
- Kalau sudah mematuhi, yuk, sapa aku di cbox! ^^

I'm sorry. Now, i'm slow respond and still LONG HIATUS. Bye bye blogging. I'm sorry guys! If you want to ask tutorial, please, before ask it, search in my blog. If i don't have that tutorial you can search at google site. Thanks for read and your attention. I hope you understand it.